Dr. Tamara Palmer
“Forget it Mom, Chiropractors are quacks.”

Dr. Tamara Palmer
In my senior year of highschool I was in a car accident where I was thrown into the back window of an SUV. As a result, I suffered from a compression fracture in my lower back and a bulging disc which gave me severe low back pain and shooting pain into my right leg, as well as a concussion and whiplash which gave me constant headaches. At the time, I played on the highschool volleyball team, badminton team, played soccer, ultimate frisbee at the National level, enjoyed running, skiing, hiking and more. I was taking courses that would facilitate my getting into Med school (I wanted to be an Orthopedic surgeon), I enjoyed writing and reading poetry and studying French. After my accident, I was told that I probably would not ever be able to play most sports, would definitely not run or ski and that I would have difficulty concentrating when reading or writing because of my headaches. It was at this point that my Mom first suggested that I see her Chiropractor. I told her to forget it, that Chiropractors were quacks. For a few months she watched me suffer through my studies, sit on the sidelines at my own sporting events and sleep on the floor. She then asked me again if I would consider seeing a Chiropractor. I reluctantly and skeptically agreed. I went to see Dr. Brian Wolfe in North Bay, Ontario, Canada (my home town). After only a few treatments the pain into my leg began to disappear and my headaches were much better. He gave me a Chiropractic care program that included postural suggestions, stretching exercises, strengthening exercises, nutritional and supplement recommendations, lifting guidelines and lifestyle modifications. Today, I get adjusted once a week (what I need in order to do my physically demanding job), do weekly spinals strengthening exercises and light weights, daily stretching, cardio 4-5 times per week, yoga, constantly work at my posture, get regular muscle therapy, eat well and drink 10-12 glasses of water a day. I know this sounds like a lot but it has simply become part of my routine and when I eliminate any one of these my pain returns. It is my Wellness program.
Chiropractic Education
I did my Undergraduate degree at Guelph University, in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. I graduated with an Honors Bachelor of Science degree in Human Kinetics with specializations in Ergonomics and Occupational Biomechanics and Exercise Physiology. While at Guelph, I was lucky enough to help in research projects for Nike doing Gait Analysis (watching the way you walk, recording pressure points in the feet and utilizing the information for design). This inspired me at Chiropractic school to take extra courses in adjusting Extremities (adjusting feet, knees, shoulders, hands and wrists), to incorporate postural and gait analysis as part of my patient assessment and to emphasize the importance of foot stabilization on the spine. I attended National University of Health Sciences in Lombard, Illinois, to complete my Chiropractic degree and a Bachelors degree in Human Biology. While at National, I also was able to participate in various research projects with Dr. Ram Gudavalli. I spent the most amount of time, on Cadaver dissection related to a Flexion-Distraction study with Dr. Cox who founded the Flexion-Distraction technique for low back pain and disc related issues. It was an honor to be part of this program. Throughout my studies, I attended as many extra technique seminars as I could, went to as many after school practice adjusting labs as I could and got my hands on as many people as possible. I was able to do my internship at a clinic in downtown Chicago where we got to see many different types of cases. I was even able to spend a rotation at the Salvation Army. I am thankful for my education at National.
Palmer Family Chiropractic
In my first couple of years of practice, I did extra education for Sports injuries and worked with some professional Athletes. I was chosen to be the Chiropractor for the Boston Breakers Soccer Team. I did Gait Analysis workshops and sport specific kinematic evaluations on performance for runners and rowers. I then went on to concentrate on extra studies for Pregnancy and Infant care. I began working with many midwives and OB’s in the area. I have turned many breech babies, eliminated back pain in pregnancy and made for much easier births. I treat children who have ear infections, bed wetting, frequent colds, asthma, ADHD, Autism and many other childhood ailments. Chiropractic simply removes interference on the nervous system so that the child’s body and immune system can function optimally. While at both Guelph and National, I volunteered at the local Humane society and other organizations for pets. Early on, I knew that one day I would expand my practice to include the treatment of pets. After about 5 years, my practice was doing well. I decided it was time that I incorporate the treatment of Animals. I committed to a 200 hour course at Parker Chiropractic College in Texas and spent half a year in a class room to prepare myself to treat animals. After almost 10 months of studies, exams and countless hours spent practicing technique with animals I took my Animal Chiropractic Board exam. I have been a Certified AVCA (American Veterinary Chiropractic Association) Animal Chiropractor since November 2004. I love working with Animals, always had pets growing up as I do now and always knew that somehow I would put my love for Animals to work. It is amazing the healing power that Animals have when touched by healing hands. It is my Commitment to spread the word about Animal Chiropractic, the importance of making sure your Animal Chiropractor is AVCA certified, to continue with my studies of Animal Chiropractic and to reiterate that Chiropractic doesn’t replace Veterinary medicine but that we work with your Vet for the better health of your Animal. Certified AVCA doctors can be found at: www.avcadoctors.com.
My Mission Within My Practice
It is my mission within my practice to reach as many families (both people and pets) as humanly possible and teach them about the amazing healing properties of the body and how to become as healthy as possible. I strive to teach and educate people on the importance of Chiropractic care, Natural healing, nutrition, exercise, stress reduction and show them how to be involved and responsible for their health. I am committed to listening to, caring for and supporting all my patients in their health journey. I am open, accepting and encouraging of patients integrating other types of healing so that they can get better faster and stay well. I hope to help all members of every family: infants, children, pregnant woman, athletes, students, business people, tradespersons, young adults, older adults and pets too. I want to help everyone.
On a Personal Note
I was born in North Bay Ontario. My parents Mary and Dennis Truchon taught me how to learn, laugh, love and live life to its fullest. They give me a spark for life that will simply never die, they are two of my favorite people with whom I share so many memories. I have a Brother Brent, who lives in Vermont with his wife Amy (definitely his better half), daughter Lilly Taylor and son Blake . I share a special bond with all of them and cherish any time we get together. I am married to my best friend (I know everyone says that but its true) William Palmer. In many ways he is nothing like me but we are the same in how much we love, respect and enjoy each other. I have three beautiful children, Maria, Annabel and Benjamin, born in September 2006, October 2007 and October 2009. They light up each and every day for me. We enjoy many outdoor activities together and especially love watching them develop into the wonderful kids they are. We love to get to as many of their sport and academic activities as we can. My husband is one of five children. We are very lucky to have his parents right next door in Hopkinton, two of his sisters in Hopkinton and his brother in Milford. His other sister is on the North Shore, not too far away. We have 8 nieces and nephews and we are grateful to get to see all of them on a regular basis. It is nice to be close to family again. Enough babbling on about myself. Thank you very much for visiting our site and taking the time to read about us. I hope to get the opportunity to meet you in person and talk about you, your needs, your health challenges and your goals for yourself. I welcome the opportunity to help you in any way I can. Contact us to take your first step towards your healthier future. You deserve it and so does all the ones you love.